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Carpal Tunnel and Why You Shouldn't Get Surgery!
Health care professionals are often quick to jump to the suggestion of getting surgery to "cure" it. But STOP and PAUSE. I'm going to encourage you to consider an alternate perspective and an alternate solution. This solution is one that will have you feeling better faster and without unnecessary scar tissue!
Hips out of alignment? (SI joint dysfunction and why you DON'T need a "Crack")
If there is one imbalance in the body that we see the most often, it’s hands down someone’s hips (AKA pelvis) being out of alignment. And we often get this response: “Do I need to see a Chiropractor to have them crack my hips back into alignment?” I’m here to debunk this common ailment that is causing so much of the world’s low back pain!

Sciatica Relief Video
The dreaded Sciatica we’ve all heard of or worse- experienced. It can be a literal pain the the butt! Sadly, most people are told they need to rest until it goes away or that they will suffer with it for the rest of their lives! You will learn this isn’t true when you check out and follow along with this Sciatica Relief Video!
Runner with Foot Pain had to decrease her distance!
At a race event that CE Sport Therapy recently attended, we met a lovely woman who was unfortunately suffering with foot pain. The pain had escalated to the point that she had to change the distance. Here’s how we helped her.

Rest isn't always best!
One of our favorite things to say here at CE Sport Therapy is "movement is medicine". But why is that? Why does movement matter so much? It matters because it is the root of everything we do as people.
How to Choose the Right Clinic for your Injury
When we're experiencing pain.... patience or due diligence often isn't top of mind. We can be so desperate for relief that we very quickly choose a clinic we think can help us; for sometimes arbitrary reasons. The end result? A clinic experience that's lacking. In this blog, we help you sidestep this common mistake and help you choose the right clinic ( whether that’s us or not!).
When your Concussion isn't getting better!
Even though we don't talk about it often, Concussions are one of our main areas of expertise at Competitive Edge.Sadly, there's a lot of misinformation out there about concussion recovery! And the really helpful info seems to be hidden or hoarded by health care professionals

Do You Have Arthritis? Here Is What We Encourage You To Do
If you think you have arthritis, know that you do, AND especially if you've been told that there is nothing that can be done- you need to watch this video!

The Pesky Piriformis! A literal pain in the butt!
Let's talk about the Piriformis Muscle. It might be one of the most well-known and hated muscles in the body. If you haven't heard of it, it's this tiny muscle deep in your glute (butt cheek) and it's a major over-achiever! If anything else isn't doing it's job- like your core or the larger glute muscles- you better bet your butt (😂), the piriformis is going to step up to do the job.

Do you have a tear in your shoulder?
We've got a bone to pick with the word "tear". When it comes to shoulder injuries, it is SO misleading! Most people hear that they have a tear in their shoulder and they visualize a muscle that has been completely ripped in two. And that's just not accurate!

8 Tips for Staying Active While Injured
One of our pet peeves is when someone is told to do nothing when they are injured. "Just to go home and sit on the couch and hope that by some miracle, your injury will heal." But for a lot of us - we don't want to just do nothing, and for a lot of injuries, the "rest method" isn't enough

Office Worker finally finds the Root Cause of her Back Pain
Check out Amy's story about how we were able to help her get her life back! She is once again hiking, boxing, and able to make it through work without back pain.

For Runners with Pain/Injuries!
Follow along with this Free Video to help prepare your body for running whether you are new to it or trying to kick it up a knotch this year!
Bunion Relief without Surgery
Follow along with this free video packed full of exercises for Bunion Pain!
Why Cracking Your Neck or Back Hasn't Really Helped You
You've done it before and I've done it before! Now whether you feel guilty about cracking your own neck/back, whether it cracked on it's own without you meaning to or whether you had a professional do it; It doesn't change the fact that.... often times it just doesn't help the way you expected it to!
Getting Rid of Shoulder Impingement - without Injections!
If you're anything like most of our clients.... you probably just cringed at the word "injections". And don't feel bad- we did too! A lot of the time, injections are the first thing offered to someone with shoulder pain. But we believe it should be reserved as a last resort!