Do You Have Arthritis? Here Is What We Encourage You To Do

If you think you have arthritis, know that you do, AND especially if you've been told that there is nothing that can be done- you need to watch this video!

Not All Pain is Arthritis

We know it's easy to jump to conclusions and self diagnose yourself with having arthritis. But there are so many other things that can be causing your pain! Your pain could be coming from muscles, tendons, ligaments, bone, fascia, nerves, etc. And MOST pain is coming from compensation patterns and imbalances. When muscles are tight or other muscles aren't working, it pulls the joint in a funny way causing pain and causing wear and tear. So, consult with your healthcare provider before jumping to any conclusions.

Arthritis Can be Improved!

And even if you know for sure that you do have osteoarthritis, it still doesn't mean that you are doomed to always be in pain. As I explained above, most pain stems from imbalances and imbalances can be corrected! Therefore your pain CAN be either reduced or eliminated! That's right... having arthritis does not mean that you will always be in pain!

Fun fact, if you were to do an MRI on a group of healthy and pain free individuals... you will likely find arthritis somewhere! But just because it shows up on a scan, does not mean that it will be causing them pain (nor does it mean that it is going to get worse over time).

What is Arthritis

Just to be clear, we are speaking about osteoarthritis here ( not rheumatoid arthritis). Osteoarthritis is simply a wearing down of the cartilage within a joint. It is degeneration or "wear and tear" but as I mentioned earlier... this is not a death sentence. Many people have degeneration within a specific joint and never even know it because they don't feel any pain.

What Can Be Done

Athletic Therapy and Massage Therapy can help to resolve the imbalances and compensation patterns that have caused the pain within a joint. We will do a complete whole body assessment to pin point where the problems are. And then, we will come up with a game plan to resolve them. This will likely include hands on techniques, stretches and strengthening exercises.

Check out some of our client success stories HERE

Ready to start feeling better? Request to speak with one of our therapists to hear about what we can do to help!


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