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Red Flags to watch out for when choosing a clinic/ therapist
You might not know that one of the main reasons we opened CE Sport Therapy all those years ago was because of the horror stories we heard (and continue) to hear about the “average” clinic. Don’t let yourself end up with one of these sub-par experiences. Here’s the red flags to look out for when choosing a clinic.

Do You Have Arthritis? Here Is What We Encourage You To Do
If you think you have arthritis, know that you do, AND especially if you've been told that there is nothing that can be done- you need to watch this video!

8 Tips for Staying Active While Injured
One of our pet peeves is when someone is told to do nothing when they are injured. "Just to go home and sit on the couch and hope that by some miracle, your injury will heal." But for a lot of us - we don't want to just do nothing, and for a lot of injuries, the "rest method" isn't enough