Achilles Tendinitis: What can I do?! (PArt 2 of 2)
If you haven’t already check out Part 1 of this series, click HERE. Part 1 will help you determine if you have Achilles Tendinitis and learn more about the condition.
Keep reading below to learn about how to get rid of your Achilles Tendintis/ Tendinopathy pain!
Do I Need to Stop Everything that I’m Doing While My Achilles Heals?
Although activity modifications may be required, you do not need to sit on your couch for the next 6 weeks, and in fact, rest on its own is not going to be enough to solve your problem. Your Achilles pain is a result of the load on your tendon exceeding its capacity – it is a two-part problem.
When all we do is rest, we are not addressing the capacity portion of the equation; we want to increase the capacity (aka function) of our tendon to match our desired activities. Too much rest with no activity over time can actually further diminish the tendon’s capacity; in other words, we would lose even more function in our tendon.
On the other hand, we have the load portion of the equation. We cannot maintain our current levels of activity because eventually the pain will become intolerable. As you can see, it’s a delicate balance!
Can You Help Me?
Load management can be complex – you need to find the right combination of rest vs. activity and know when/how to push yourself to the next level. At CE Sport Therapy, our Certified Athletic Therapists are ready to help and guide you through a rehabilitation plan that will take you to that next level of desired activity.
Let’s talk expectations. You will have homework! Our therapists will design a thorough exercise program that will take you through each phase of your treatment plan. Although you will be given a specific exercise program to complete at home, your therapist will also talk to you about ways to modify your current activities and will provide hands on treatment to decrease pain and increase mobility in the area.
Rehabilitating Achilles tendinopathy can take upwards of 3 months. Be prepared for your symptoms to fluctuate during this time. While a reduction in pain is awesome, it will not be our only metric for success. If you go from running 5km with a 3/10 pain to running 10km with a 3/10 pain, you have increased the capacity and improved the function of your tendon! As you progress through the rehab process, you will begin to see a decrease in symptoms and an ability to tolerate more activity.
Have more questions? Request to speak with one of our therapists here
Ready to address your pain? Book and initial assessment by clicking the button below.