Lindsay Langlais
Athletic Therapist
Lindsay has been an Athletic Therapist for 10 years now and has more recently become the Mama of 2 little boys.
She specializes in helping people with Chronic Pain, Jaw Pain, as well as women’s health issues (pregnancy related back pain, hip pain, leaking/ incontinence, etc). Her clients are your average Joe type adults who like to stay active but are more focused on their life, family and hobbies more so than intense athletic endeavors.
She use a combination of techniques that allow her to find deep rooted compensation patterns and to very gently coax the body into letting go of those protection tensions and work the way it was meant to!
The people who get the best results from her treatment are those that have tried physiotherapy, massage or chiropractic care without success. (If your chiro couldn’t get a “crack” out of you, for example!). Her clients have often been dealing with their pain either in the same form or migrating forms for years and are fed up with the cookie- cutter traditional approach.
Please note, Lindsay's hours are limited as she also dedicates her time to raising her two sons.
Areas of Expertise: Jaw/ TMJ, Women’s Health, Chronic Pain
Additional Training: Neurokinetic Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation

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