Running Mistakes You Might Be Making
Are you Pro-New Years Resolutions? Or against? Regardless of whether it's a resolution or not, you might have caught a little bit of a fitness bug right now. And we love it! However if you're going to take up running or get back into it there are some common mistakes that we want to help you avoid. Here are some of the most common running mistakes that could lead to an injury:
Not paying attention to your footwear and not knowing what kind of footwear is best for your unique foot shape.
High arch? Flat feet? Rigid or in need of support? Over-pronating or Supinated? Get to know your feet so that you can choose the best possible running shoe. The mechanics of your foot are important to know so that you don’t end up creating problems. It is also important to take into consideration the terrain that you plan to be running on, this will also guide your footwear choices!
Running on the left side of the road both directions.
For safety reasons in high traffic areas, you should be running on the left side of the road. However, you might not realize that the edge of the road is ever so slightly slanted. Meaning always running on the left can lead to overusing certain muscle groups.
Try to stick to low traffic routes so that you can run one direction on the left side of the road, turn around and follow the same path (which would now be the right side of the road for you).
Not doing strength training!
Running (especially long distances) can be really hard on your body. By adding in some strength training, especially to the core and hips, you make sure that your body is able to combat the poor movement patterns that happen when the muscles become fatigued. this helps ensure that you have longevity in your running program.
If you are just taking up running or wanting to kick it up a notch this year, we recommend downloading this free class "For Running". This class was taught in April of 2022 and we had an overwhelming amount of participants! Since there seems to be such a need for this resource, we decided to make it available to all of you who might have missed it live. The class consists of gentle stretches and exercises from an injury expert (Michelle, Our Lead Therapist!). It will help ease any pain or stiffness you are having, help you avoid an injury from occurring or resurfacing as just prep your body to be at it's best for your run! Get the Free Class Recording HERE.